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Some of the Member benefits include:

  • Complimentary subscription to four issues of the International Journal for Human Caring.
  • Participation in quarterly Circle of Caring Teleconferences related to caring scholarship and updates on the organization
  • Reduced Annual Conference Registration Rate
  • Reduced Watson Caring Science Institute Conference registration rates.
  • One Hour conference call, or on site visit with an IAHC caring scholar.  Contact us for details.

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Why become an IAHC member?

Marlienne Goldin, Membership Committee Chair

Attending my first International Association of Human Caring, (IAHC) in 2003 was transformational.  Since that weekend in Chautauqua Park, Boulder, Colorado I have not missed a conference in these past 15 years.   Not only has membership afforded me access to an international journal filled with Human Caring resources and information from all over the globe, it has given me access to international scholars, experts and researchers in the field of Human Caring.  To find a group of like-minded people who believe Human Caring is of vital importance to our lives and to our planet is only one of the benefits of membership in IAHC.  Exploring the science behind Human Caring is vital to our promotion of humanity.  Many sciences address the physicality of the human body.  Caring Science addresses the sanctity of the spirit to  spirit connection.

I have many institutional memberships, but IAHC is the one I value the most.  The IAHC addresses the importance of caring for the human spirit.  Human Caring  is of concern, and interest to all disciplines, not just the discipline of healthcare.  Sustaining Human Caring is vital to all who care about humanity.  Membership in IAHC is a gift to one’s self.   Join the  IAHC and let’s get together at the next conference in Greenville, SC.   I look forward to meeting you there!

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IAHC collaborates with the following organizations

Anne Boykin Institute        Watson Caring Science Institute


Address: P.O. Box 211, Westwood, MA 02090


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